Sunday, September 11, 2022

Princess Diana Sport Style

 Some styles of Princess Diana sport style are still alive. The clothes of some street style outfits that she wore were so simple, practical while so cool and so fashionable that naming her style as timeless fashion must not be a coincidence! The Princess of Wales is continuing to have her influence on the world, even in the fashion front. The way she used to style her sporty looks are more than compatible for the latest fashion view. How to dress like Princess Diana? You are on the right page…

1) Biker Shorts and Sweatshirt 

Princess Diana bike shorts Harvard / photographer: Kieran Doherty 
Princess Diana running shorts 

Aren’t we used to see this two things today? Sport wear on street and the Harvard hoodies (or like Yale), also on street style? Maybe finding nearly the same garments as the Princess wore must not be hard as it’s so trendy this days. And it’s easy! Biker shorts plus sweatshirt—- the base of the look is ready. Some sneakers (I find them similar to Nike dunk, I would call them the new version of the sneakers that Princess Diana wore) a casual bag and some small touches like hair style and sunglasses completes the look that we see.

Extra inspiration with similar outfit 

Did Princess Diana go to Harvard?

Princess Diana workout outfit 

Princess Diana workout clothes 

2) Cowboy Boots — Blazer — Cap

Princess Diana fashion 90s

King Princess outfits / photographer: Julian Parker

Let’s play the royal fashion with the casual way! This casual - formalized style has a royal cap… Both of the looks are combined with blazer (thick fabric) which gives this serious bossy air and cowboy boots gives the sense of power and strength. It’s pretty crazy how these two garments fit well together! In the first outfit Princess Diana wore a hoodie and slim denim jeans (a nearly exact style that Cameron Diaz once wore). On the second outfit the Princes wore very comfortable fabric trousers (and are also fashionable street wear this year) which made a completely different look with the same garments.

3) Denim Jeans and Shirt

Princess Diana casual clothes

Princess Diana aesthetic 

Princess Diana best outfits

Let’s go to the meetings! General look of these formal - casual outfits are the belt and the shoes. Lady Di wore formal shoes and styled it with the belt of the same color giving the outfit a chic finishing touch. The base of the outfit is a heigh - waisted jeans and an oversized shirt. Pretty stylish and comfy for formal life, don’t you thing? And nowadays there isn’t a store where doesn’t sale this garments.

4) Varsity Jacket

Princess Diana varsity jacket

Lady Diana street style 

Diana styles

The black slim dress with a wide belt is phenomenal but styling it with this green varsity jacket it’s just something else. A formal look combined with high school coolness. It’s just so brave! Along with the black outfit the varsity jacket played a significant role on the outfit and it’s prints are just outstanding.

So yea that’s it. Hope the post was helpful. See you the next one!

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Cropped Denim Jacket — How to style cropped denim jacket like a pro?

 So this days crop denim jackets are everywere, nearly on every retail brand, in many different color, combination and so on. But what is special in this trend of denim jacket by being short? Well it emphasizes the weist just like other crop tops and it’s maybe more girly - looking when compared to other types of jackets. The good part is that nearly on any combination the denim jacket can be replaced with the cropped one. Because it suits with nearly any style. But how to style cropped denim jacket LIKE A PRO?

So let’s start

1) Crop Denim Jacket And Black Trousers 

So this look is styled with black jeans that is heigh - waisted and crop white t- shirt by adding some metallic accessories to give this bossy look and finishing up with a yellow off - white belt. 4 peaces are used to emphasize the waist: the trousers, the crop denim jacket, the crop t-shirt and the coloured belt which makes the base of this outfit. So here comes the first tip.

Tip 1
As short denim jacket is for emphasizing the waist other peaces on the outfit should have the same mission —- to emphasize the waist.

Diving in to the celebrity world. Kaia Gerber in Malibu streets wearing her casual outfit. The combination includes the same elements as the first outfit: crop white top, denim crop jacket and some metallics on her bag. But there is no belt that means no extra color! On this look by wearing the skinny heigh - waisted black jeans and black boots ( the exact colour as the jeans) is emphasized long legs. So…

Tip 2
While wearing crop denim jacket if you want to emphasize legs also —- wear leggings or skinny jeans and the same colour of boots ( it will be good if it’s with heels and leather or sock type boots)

— Kaia Gerber outfits usually contains denim wear. Among denim crop jacket she wears lots of types of comfy denim jeans which every one can wear even if not the exact brand she wears. You can find the types of jeans she wears here and style your outfit just like hers.

Another celebrity wearing an outfit similar to Kaia Gerber but here Gigi Hadid is wearing a black crop top  and leggings. The main difference in this combination is the bag. The bag has the fancy color and gives this spice to the combination. So…

Tip 3

Just like we talked about the yellow off - white belt, which was extra color, here the logic is the same but with the bag. So on this kind of styling either wearing a belt or a bag as a fancy color it must be one of them. For instance if wearing a yellow off - white belt, would be good if the bag is black or maybe the same color as the belt.

The exact outfit of Gigi Hadid that we previously talked about but here only with white sneakers. So if you have any casual or like white sneakers it will look quiet good and sporty. The popular Nike Dunk is perfect for this outfit especially the panda colored one (white with black details) but if you wear any color of Nike Dunk make sure that other small decorative pieces have the same or at least suitable color.

How does Nike Dunk look? Click here

2) Crop Denim Jacket and Heigh - Waisted Denim Jeans

Similar things that we mentioned and on this look just styled with denim jeans. The thing that I would want to emphasize again is that ( as similar to what we previously talked about the colour of a sneaker)  yellow off - white belt on this outfit is used as the fancy color and so on the bag is in the same color as the boots. If the jeans were black than it’s the same combination as Kaia Gerber’s just with the belt.

So let’s say you don’t have a colorful belt or bag, the other alternative is to use a colorful crop top and shoes but in the same color. Not to mention red color really matches with the red color.

3) Crop Denim Jacket and Wide - Legged Trousers

So on this look, Taylor Hill has styled her outfit with the things which we mentioned just that one of the main piece of her outfit is the heigh - waisted, wide legged trousers that is more like a classy style and it’s comfortable but not a regular casual style that we use to see. It has a casual - classy look. The uniqueness of it that the down is sort of formal and the up is sporty - casual and it’s insane how the outfit looks perfect by having this two things in one.

Here is Taylor Hill during the MFW wearing a black t-shirt and that same trousers in black making a hole body one color based and white sneakers. So on this outfit by wearing a crop denim jacket and white sneakers, the black trousers happen to look more sporty than casual. So it’s a good option to a sport trousers after all!

—- So yea that’s all. Hope this post was helpful. See you on my next post!

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